If you live in Georgia...

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If you live in Georgia...

Postby Gonz » Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:25 am

...you are fucking retarded for letting this happen...


Our tax dollars at work!

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Postby Thriller » Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:06 am

I was expecting the message inside to be "then you might be a redneck".
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Postby Kguku » Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:03 am

You guys voted in Bush not once but twice. I'm not sure why you're even surprised at this kind of shit.

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Postby Gonz » Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:47 am

I'd vote for Bush today if it were between him and Obama...just sayin.

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Postby Luhed » Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:54 am

What does Bush have to do with a dumb democrat? Anywho we got stuck voting him in because there was no better choice. Gore? hah Kerry? Don't want to even think about it.

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Postby Rathic » Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:02 pm

As a veteran, I can say I did vote for him two times. He was the best option for me and what I felt for the country at the time. Al Gore is a nutjob and John Kerry was not a strong enough man to lead the country.

That said, G.W. managed to force a lot of legislation on people that was not truly understood or felt until some time later. Most conservatives like myself voted for him simply because we assumed he stood for our ideals. The truth was somewhat different.

People who did in fact vote for G.W. twice are not all "stupid". Quite a few of us became incredibly disenchanted with the Republican Party shortly after his second term started, myself included.

As for the moron in the video, he is just that, a moron. Not to mention he is backwards and racist/race placating. We only have the people of his district to blame however.

What I do find awesome, is that everyone who is a Democrat seems to use the "AMGZ YOU VOTED FOR TEH BUSH DUMMEH" card whenever nothing else can be said. The funny thing is, in 7 years of war we wracked up a debt under a democrat congress that just doubled in the course of a year and a half under Obama. People forget the congress was owned by the dems for two years before Bush left office. So... ya.
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Postby Kguku » Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:21 pm

Bush was an idiot from day 1, it was plain to see. It was also pretty obvious that Bush was a simple yes man, hence why the Republican party was pushing him in to power over someone like McCain.

As for the debt that Obama wracked up, you do realize that no matter who was in power this debt was going to come. The wheels were already in motion before Obama had stepped in to power, it's simply something that fell on to him because he was the one in power at the time. You need to be looking at what was happening before he came in to power and what was done to push the current economic crisis to where it was at. The decisions of the previous government led to what was needed to try and fix things currently.

7 years of investing in to an unneeded war instead of focusing on local growth and planning has a huge impact on your economy. I'm not saying the war on terror was bad, but when it went outside its scope and entered Iraq without need or cause is when things turned south.

I'm neither a democrat, nor a republican and I will gladly pull the anyone is an idiot card if they are, infact, an idiot; which Bush is. He was a bad choice, he will always be a bad choice, and no matter how you try and colour it he brought more harm than good to your country.

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Postby Cobaro » Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:26 pm

I excercised my vote by not voting... and I'm sure there's plenty of you out there that'll be like "why the fuck didn't you vote" and I'd simply like to say, it's my choice so deal with it.

In all honestly, there has been no real good candidate for president since I can remember. Bush, Kerry, Gore... its tough to vote for president when you feel none of the candidates are worthy of such a title.

The biggest downfall of this country is the fact that we still primarily operate under a two party system. While it gives the illusion of balance, the fact that we have people like this dude from Georgia worrying that the island of Guam might "tip over" is the issue. Frankly, I also feel congressmen, senators etc don't truly represent the entire country of American.

My biggest point of contention has always been that there is an "age" limit on certain positions in the government. To me, that right there is cause for imbalance right from the get go. Its difficult to identify with a Supreme Court justice whose 80 some odd years old when you think about the amount of technology, globalization, and change that has occurred only in the last 20 years.

But, who cares, let's fight about gay marriage and abortion rights before fixing the real important issues in the world.

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Postby Luhed » Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:48 pm

EDIT: I like cake.
Last edited by Luhed on Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Noteworthy » Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:06 pm

Kguku wrote:As for the debt that Obama wracked up, you do realize that no matter who was in power this debt was going to come. The wheels were already in motion before Obama had stepped in to power, it's simply something that fell on to him because he was the one in power at the time. You need to be looking at what was happening before he came in to power and what was done to push the current economic crisis to where it was at. The decisions of the previous government led to what was needed to try and fix things currently.

7 years of investing in to an unneeded war instead of focusing on local growth and planning has a huge impact on your economy. I'm not saying the war on terror was bad, but when it went outside its scope and entered Iraq without need or cause is when things turned south.

i'm not one to promote anything kguku says, but this is win all the way.

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Postby Guljit » Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:06 pm

Forum threads about politics are always tempting but rarely end well so all I'll say is this:

PS: I lied. Regan wasn't very good, let's just all admit it. American politics is partisan bickering that presses voters to support their party like a die hard football fan, even if it makes no sense. The repeal of the Glass-Steagal act caused the sub prime mortgage melt down, sponsored by Republicans and signed by Bill Clinton. It was a huge mistake and still is.
Last edited by Guljit on Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Noteworthy » Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:11 pm

Cobaro wrote:The biggest downfall of this country is the fact that we still primarily operate under a two party system. While it gives the illusion of balance

this too. james madison, man, saw this shit coming -- federalist no. 10! let's expand the union so we don't have to worry about factions. well, that worked... until we just became two fucking huge factions!!!! it's not even the two party system that's balls; just the fact that we narrow things down so much with all these primaries and "let's put our best candidate forward". no! because then it becomes a "lesser of two evils" contest, and NOT people voting for what best represents them! Orz to u.s. government!

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Postby Kguku » Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:17 pm

Luhed wrote:The republicans just exploited the program by passing laws to deregulate banks.

Allowing lower income families the opportunity to acquire a home of their own and providing some sort of assistance to get them off the ground is perfectly fine, the problem arose due to what I just quoted, which is deregulating. Bankers are inherently greedy and stupid. I know this, I am one. I have worked in the industry for almost 15 years. They make stupid decisions because of their opportunity to make money or show how amazing they are without looking at long term repercussions. People look to build their little empire, and in some ways watching things happen can be quite interesting, but you can also see just how focused they are at their short term gains and not thinking about long term ramifications.

This is why regulations need to be in place for something as critical as banking. This is why you don't see Canada suffering the same kind of recession the US did and why our economy is so strong, because we maintained our regulations. There was a tonne of pissing and moaning about putting in some deregulation, but the government stood pat on our current banking laws and stuck to their guns, and honestly we're better for it.

Putting in moderate changes to help people benefit, good, exploiting the system or putting it to a critical breaking point? Bad.

I'm not saying Obama is great, I don't really care either way. I'm saying don't be stupid and put all the blame on him when the past 8 years was wrecked by a completely different group. No 1 person can fix your economy in a year, thinking Obama can work magic is stupid. Blaming him for a stimulus package that was going to happen regardless is stupid. Give him his 4 years and judge him from there.

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Postby Veratu » Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:32 pm

Wow... just wow....

Classic moments in Agony history:
Clarnin says out of character "CHEAL TO ONNESSA"
Minimeatz has been slain by Saryn

Who are you supposed to heal again?
The power house of Agony DPS and it's just 2 people!
*Minimeatz, Serafina, Nukiin, Blastiin, Atomiic, Tesia, Shorticus, Ionn, Elektron, Gnutron

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Postby Grumpley » Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:40 pm

kguku you're canadian. america jr doesnt get an opinion.

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