EQ2 - New expansion - DVinn!

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EQ2 - New expansion - DVinn!

Postby emerald » Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:21 pm

Yah, I know EQ2 is old news, but I Think it is pretty cool they are brining back CrushBone and Dvinn!

(forum and picture links http://eqiiforums.station.sony.com/eq2/board/message?board.id=echoesoffaydwer&message.id=27289)

Oh, and they kept Orc Hill too! Right ouside Kelethin!

The new playable race is the Fae, and they also brought back the Gods.


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Postby Doomsayer » Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:36 pm

looking at those screenshots makes me want to bang my head on my desk until my brain flops out!

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Postby Oldtimer » Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:44 pm

I still play it, I still enjoy it but I still miss you guys (and gals).


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Postby The Gooch » Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:41 pm

So I have a friend bugging me to play this with him. At the moment I'm thinking it's interesting but who plays this still that I could maybe talk to. I have a bunch of questions. It seems that Emerald and Sarkoris play. I need some info if we could arrange a time to talk that would be frapulous. Or you could just post on this thread and we'll try and pm or something. I don't want to take the focus away from a wow centered messageboard.
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Postby emerald » Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:54 am

The Gooch wrote:It seems that Emerald and Sarkoris play.

Nope. I do not play this game (anymore). I haven't bought the expansion, I just keep in touch with some people that do play this.

I am curious about Vanguard. Anyone have any feedback on this game?


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Postby Ink » Sun Dec 10, 2006 3:01 am

Grind and treadmill come to mind.
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Postby Gonz » Sun Dec 10, 2006 3:03 am

I played Vanguard in early beta, so I cant say anything about how it is now. Gameplay and graphics seemed to be a lot like eq2, except not as fast paced.

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Postby Jermz » Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:25 pm

Vanguard was horrid. I'll just copy/paste what i posted on a thread from the Casual boards. http://www.casualgamer.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7239

Vanguard was pretty boring from the beginning. I felt like it was EQ3. Uneventfull dull questing and dull colors that reminded me of Plane of Earth from EQ. I guess it just didn't grab me the way WoW did from level 1. Maybe my expectations were too high.

The tradeskill shit was kinda cool. When you pick at a node, the screen shakes and you feel like you're really banging at some rock. Each time you pick at it you get a few pieces in your bag etc.

But thats still not enough to make me want to play. Only way i'd pick it up is if we had some kind of softcore crew of old guildies and players from EQ/WoW to log in and talk shit with.

Also, on other boards my reaction was the same as other MMO players who got into beta and tried it out.

But, if you liked EQ2 and still think EQ1 is fun in some self-mutilating way you might absolutely love Vanguard.

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Postby emerald » Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:18 pm

Oh, BTW, if you wanted to try EQ2 they are offering a free 7 day trial at:



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Postby Adrienna » Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:43 pm

I played EQ2 and Vanguard. Of the 2, I like EQ2 better, mostly because of the more colorful graphics. Plus, I like having my own house, not sure if you can do that in Vanguard. I have the expansion pack, but I haven't had time to play it much yet. My druid is still at level 44, one level higher than she was when I started playing WoW a year and a half ago.
It's a fledgling Anna's Hummingbird.


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Postby Adrienna » Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:57 am

I made a Fae tonight, and if nothing else, I can definitely say the game looks absolutely amazing. I plan on playing a little tomorrow. Here are a couple screenshots of my level 1 Fae Troubador (just want to show how pretty the colors are):


It's a fledgling Anna's Hummingbird.


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Postby Doomsayer » Wed Dec 13, 2006 1:28 am

are the wings for looks or can you actually fly, if so that's awesome if not-gay.

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Postby The Gooch » Wed Dec 13, 2006 1:34 am

You basically hover along instead of running and are able to kind of float down safe fall like the levitate in WoW. slow fall, controlled but no flight.
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Postby Oldtimer » Mon Dec 18, 2006 12:45 pm

Yes I still play it and still enjoy it. To me the main improvement is that you don't have to grind as much to progress. You can make discernible progress just from exploring (discovery experience) and questing (can make 5-10 of a level from completing a decent quest). I think they learnt from WOW in the regard that if the casual player logs on and doesn't feel they are getting anywhere they will move on from the game. They are not as user friendly as WOW by a long way but a lot better than EQ 1.

If anyone wants to pop in and say hi I play on the Najena server in a guild called Allure. We are a nightly raiding guild who vies for number 2 raid guild on the server (we can't compete with the main US guild due to spawn times and patching nightly in our evenings).

Although as I said I miss you guys and gals I do enjoy playing on Australian timezone, although there isn't the challenge of logging in and finding Doom had parked me on top of some spire somewhere with DMF turned off.

Good to hear your taking names kicking butt on your new server (as expected).

On a side note, tried Vanguard in beta and at this stage not that impressed. As others have said, very bland looking.

PM me anytime Gooch or drop by Najena and ask anyone in Allure where I am and I will get in touch asap.


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