Agony is Officially on Holiday Break - 12-06-2004 4:40 PM - by Minimeatz
Every year, most guilds face Holiday downtime due to the demand brought on by families and the usual "holiday" obligations.
In Agony, we recognize that real life is always more important than a game, and we encourage people to enjoy what life has to offer. Every year we have to make decisions in leadership to reflect upon the demands of real life.
Agony is officially on Holiday Break until the first week of January. We will continue recruitment and encouraging people to prepare for the return of the guild once the Holiday season is over.
If you are interested in joining Agony, the process is the same. Post an app and talk to an in game member/leader. We will socialize and get you involved with us the best we can, however all OFFICIAL raids are on hold until the first week of January.
We look forward to what 2005 has to offer, and wish everyone a wonderful holiday season.
See you in January!
-Minimeatz Leader of Agony